Partly Facetious: Difference between a carrot and a stick
"Oh I wish I were so lucky..."
"And had a rubber ducky."
"Where did that come from?'
"The rubber ducky?"
"Well, isn't that part of a children's rhyme, you know like rain, rain go away come again another day."
"Given the global weather change I think rain, rain go away has taken the status of a proverb, I mean given the flooding world-wide."
"Indeed, so whose success are you so envious about?"
"Didn't you start off by wishing you were so lucky?"
"Why change the words?"
"What do you mean?"
"I read a book the other day by a famous journalist who said that there are some in our profession who are opposed to using the same words again and he cited an example of a colleague who wrote 'God said let their be light and there was solar illumination'. Like I said I wish I were so lucky and you reworded it to whose success are you so envious of."
"Not impressed?"
"Neither were the colleagues of the journalist who reworded God's word. But this is much ado about nothing."
"From a children's rhyme to Shakespeare!"
"Oh, OK, I wish I were as lucky as a California couple who stumbled on 10 million dollars in gold coins in their back yard."
"Hey, Obama will tax them as per the declared rate but maybe Dar can lure them to invest some of the money in this country and you know they would not need to declare the source of their wealth, OK, the entire world knows their source of wealth, but here they would not pay any income tax and get to meet Nawaz Sharif."
"OK, on a scale of one to ten in terms of being able to lure the couple to Pakistan with Dar's offers I would say zero."
"I bet you Dar offers you a carrot and you would think it's a stick!"
"The only people he offers a carrot to are the rich and the influential."
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